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The landscape of Competition Law in Nigeria is rapidly evolving and expanding. Regulatory authorities have extensive powers, and an increasingly wide range of business activities can now fall within the scope of competition regulation. In line with global trends, enforcement is on the rise and can impact upon significant growth projects, as well as commercial practices in the ordinary course of business.

Our Competition Law practice is market leading with expertise in merger control, sector regulation, competition litigation, compliance, restrictive market practices and consumer protection. With an experienced team that cuts across various sectors, we regularly advise clients on optimum regulatory interaction to achieve commercial objectives with a practical approach. As a result we have obtained various first-to-market clearances for our clients.

Over time we have worked with all regulatory authorities including the FCCPC and sector regulators, and we have a keen understanding of best strategic approach which we harness to expertly navigate our clients through competition matters. Our in-depth experience means that we are best positioned to solve competition challenges in advance and as they develop by working with our clients to create strong compliance programmes as well tackling these issues as they arise.

Key contacts

Zelda Akindele