Discussing the “New How” – Examining the “In Writing” Requirement for Arbitration Agreements Under theArbitration and Mediation Act 2023

Error of Law on the Face of the Award – the Arbitration and Mediation Act 2023 Comes to the Rescue

Tax Disputes & Dispute Resolution Options Pursuant to Petroleum Agreements in Ghana

TEMPLARS Legislative Watch: Evidence (Amendment) Act 2023: Nigerian Evidence Law Accommodates Technological Advancements

Navigating the Murky Waters of Arresting a Ship in Nigeria

Nigerian Arbitration and Mediation Act, 2023 – Key Innovations

Nigeria’s Judiciary Restricts Imposition of Administrative Fines and Sanctions

Is Termination of Employment without Reason Still Valid in Nigeria?

Employers Responsibility for Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 – A Boost for Economic Development