In this episode of “TEMPLARS Through the Line,” our responsible business podcast, TEMPLARS Partner Zelda Akindele and EnterpriseNGR’s Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Lami Adekola, discuss “Social Impact on the Bottom Line: A Professional Services Industry Perspective.”

Zelda and Lami analyze the role of social impact within the financial and professional services sectors, offering insights into how organizations can navigate and balance societal contributions with their business objectives.

EnterpriseNGR is an independent member-led group established to promote and influence an enabling policy environment for the Nigerian Financial and Professional Services (FPS) sector.


Key Highlights:

  • An introduction to EnterpriseNGR and its role in enhancing the Nigerian FPS sector (00:50).
  • The evolution from traditional Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to impactful social initiatives in business (02:20).
  • Evaluating social impact, with a focus on non-profit organizations (04:20).
  • Strategies for incorporating social impact into business models, including a look at EnterpriseNGR’s methods and the individuals they serve (07:16).
  • An examination of TEMPLARS’ CSR efforts and the potential for social impact within the professional services domain (10:55).
  • Strategies for balancing social impact and profitability in everyday business operations (12:56).
  • The increasing recognition and importance of the triple bottom line approach, its benefits, and incentives (16:56).
  • The shift towards accounting for social impact alongside financial performance in defining the ‘bottom line’ (22:08).