In response to the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Templars has activated appropriate business continuity measures to ensure that we continue to support our clients to the same high standards as usual.
Consistent with the advice of governments and local and global health organisations, we have closed our offices and are continuing to take other necessary precautions to keep our people and our clients as safe as possible.
Effective today, all our lawyers and staff are working remotely, relying on the firm’s robust and secure IT systems and infrastructure. Work-related travel has been reduced to near-zero, and we have successfully adopted virtual meetings in place of all non-critical in-person meetings.
In addition to making these necessary changes to the way in which we deliver our service to our clients, we are also spending a lot time thinking about specific ways in which we can support clients in dealing with the numerous legal questions and business challenges coming out of this crisis.
Clients with specific questions in this regard are encouraged to make contact, and we will also be reaching out to many of you individually.
We remain hopeful that this global crisis will resolve in the near future. We will continue to monitor developments both globally and in our immediate environment and we will be providing regular updates regarding our plans.
Please feel free to get in touch with your usual contacts within the firm by email or on their mobile phones. Should you have any questions or require additional information about our plans, operations or, services please send an email to
We thank you for your custom and we ask that you stay safe, taking all the necessary precautions that have been advised by the World Health Organisation and other relevant health authorities or organisations.