Effective 11.00 p.m. on Monday, 30 March, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari ordered a 14-day shutdown of business, economic and social activities in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja; the major financial centre, Lagos State, and its neighbouring state, Ogun State.
The Presidential order, which came days after the local authorities in Lagos State had announced slightly less extensive restrictions, requires all residents of the affected areas to stay home for the next two weeks. With a few exceptions such as hospitals, food businesses, petrol stations, power companies and urgent court matters, all government departments, regulatory agencies and private businesses in these areas will be closed during this period.
Although our two main offices are located in the affected areas of Lagos and Abuja, Templars lawyers in both cities will remain available by phone and email to, as much as possible, support our clients to the same high standards as usual. In cases where our work require interface with government departments or regulatory agencies that may now be closed, we will work with the relevant clients to manage the resulting disruption as much as possible.
As indicated in the business continuity statement (here) that we issued on 23 March, the firm has taken the necessary steps to support remote working by all our fee-earners and support staff during the periods of disruption anticipated to arise from the COVID-19 pandemic.
We also remain committed to keep working at devising specific ways in which we can assist clients in dealing with the numerous legal issues and business challenges coming out of this crisis. For these and more information, please feel free to reach out to any of your usual contacts within the firm in the usual way. Alternatively, you can reach us by email at info@templars-law.com.
We will continue to keep an eye on both local and global developments relating to the pandemic, and we will provide regular updates regarding our plans. We ask that you please stay safe and take all the precautions that have been advised by WHO and other relevant health authorities or organisations.